Are You Reinforcing Negative Thoughts?

Negative thoughts were not anything I prepared for after an incredible European vacation. I knew coming back from a 24 day trip around Europe with my daughter as a way to celebrate her college graduation even through her battle with MS was going to take a bit of adjustment time. My mind was still on […]
3 Tips For Becoming A Better Tweeter

If you are not tweeting for your business, you are missing the mark. We’ve discussed the importance of incorporating social media into your businesses marketing strategy. Today we’ll dive deeper into the subject with the world of Twitter. Twitter is a wonderful social media platform with over 300 million active users daily. For […]
15 Ways A Dog Can Improve Your life

15 Ways A Dog Can Improve Your Life That soft fur, those floppy ears, that quizzical look, how could you not fall in love? 1. Dogs increase your mood dramatically! Spending just 15-30 minutes with your dog can help you feel more calm and relaxed, reducing stress and increasing happiness. Playing with your pup increases your brain’s […]
3 Reasons to Treat Your Business Like Your Dream Car

I was driving down Interstate 5 over the weekend. I looked over to my left and flying by me was a sexy, beautiful jet black Maserati. I grew up with four brothers as a complete tomboy fascinated by cars, engines, and craftsmanship of everything from furniture to architecture. When that Maserati flew by, I was […]